I would like to inform you that the English translation of my novel, Where I Was Born, was published by Page Publications a couple of years ago. It is now being sold in bookshops as well as in Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites. You could find the book through the links at the bottom of the page.
I would appreciate it if you, as a member of the Cochran family, would order and buy a few copies, recommend it to your family and friends or sign it and give it as a Christmas present, and also to introduce it to other publishers.
Now that my novel has been translated into English by Ms. Jessica Babakhanian and has been published, and is also being translated into French by Dr. Nader Dadgar Nowbrrian, I feel that I have been faithful to the vow I made years ago at Dr. Cochran's grave. My only deep regret is that your dear mother, Mary, who was so interested in this novel, is not with us anymore to read the translated text. May she rest in peace.
I am grateful for your cooperation. I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year and I hope you begin the New Year with reading my book.
Esmail Yourdshahian Urmia
Writer and poet and Researcher